Wednesday, 23 March 2016

TASK 1b: Dance Networking

I have recently taken some time during my lunch breaks at work, simply reading some interesting blogs from my fellow colleagues of BAPP Arts course and some which I discovered through the new application called 'Feedly'. It is a great way to keep all articles and blogs that attracted your interest, in a 'portfolio' to peruse at your own time. In doing so, I have realised just how much you can learn in just three days, merely using the power of the internet. Nowadays, everything is becoming so easily accessible. The knowledge we can gain is hanging right by the tip of toes which brings me to why I want to further discuss about the influence that Web 2.0 technology has had on our generation.

Reading through the Reader 1 book given to us by the university, has allowed be to identify the options that one can have in order to share their expertise and ideas with the world. The best part of using Web 2.0 technology is that reader can interact with the creator. One can debate about a subject, express an opinion and therefore even become a creator by discovering new ideas, which is very much what the BAPP Arts Course is about! Through the blogs and other social networks we can all communicate from any part of the world as well as collaborate in order to enhance our knowledge as the future examples for the next generation. It is fascinating how the relationships and interactions among people has changed with the influence of social networking. Not everyone will agree whether it is for the best of the worst. My diplomatic mind says that there are always two sides of a story.

I have been thinking about ways I can use in order to expand my connections with the dance world, but it seems like I have a lot covered already. FacebookInstagram and Twitter are all part of my repertoire. I find twitter to be useful as a means of discovering news about upcoming performances, dance companies and even what is going on with your idols and artists you are inspired by. I keep my search feed very professional, as I have other networks like Facebook for communication purposes, especially since I live away from my family and friends at home. What I thought would be a good idea for the purposes of my job is reactivating and updating my Network Dance account!! I haven't touched it since I had last auditioned which was two years ago. However, it is a perfect example of a Social Network that serves its purposes on a professional level:

-finding out about auditions abroad-job vacancies-photoshoots-connection with other dancers-self promotion

I found it extremely helpful during my first year of auditions after graduating from my vocational training. Perhaps without Network Dance I wouldn't have ended up where I am now in the first place so I couldn't be more thankful!

So, I have taken some time to finally update my account! Feel free to browse. The information shared, I made sure is safe. No addresses or phone numbers have been shared for safety reasons.

I have been contemplating for a while now if creating a LinkedIn Account or  Flickr Account would be of benefit, considering the amount of networks I participate in already. One which I haven't mentioned is Pinterest which is my weekly source of inspiration, including cooking, secret (not so secret) hobby of mine!

As we all know, and recognise from proof, Social Networking is truly beneficial, in the way of sharing thoughts, knowledge, new ideas, and opening new doors to conversation, hence, interacting and connecting with people. It is also a means to building up one's self esteem, which is not a bad thing since dance is an element whose nature typically draws criticism; just like any form of art or literature.

However, my question is:
how much is it of benefit and how much of harm? How does one's personal profile online really illustrate who the real person is...behind the screen? Could one post influence the decision of a director hiring a dancer? Can directors really recognise personality through an online profile. To go even further, how much are we relying on the power of the internet. We seemed to have gained great skills in electronic communication, however, is this leading to an isolation and closure from experiencing the real connection with people? How much is Social Networking an eye opener and how much a hinder of imagination? 

I would love to find out! I look forward to really discovering more about how the power of Web 2.0 technology plays a role in the development of an artist.

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