Wednesday, 30 November 2016

Ethics for the greater 'Good'

ETHOS: (Greek Word)
the distinguishing character, sentiment, moral nature, or guiding beliefs of a person, group, or institution
Afbeeldingsresultaat voor Ethos
This week I have been looking into the matter of Ethics; I believe a term that we take for granted a lot of the time, since the nature of our practice in Dance/ Performing Arts lies firmly within rules of discipline and perfection (classical dance especially) . That is indeed a strong asset to acquire in society, as moral values in a professional environment are highly valued by employers. 

By studying Reader 5, focusing Professional Ethics, I now have a better understanding on what the term really means and the many possibilities and differences there are in way of approaching issues ethically, which is what makes it a debatable subject among society. Due to the differences in beliefs, upbringing, religion, values, it will be difficult to get a 'right or wrong' answer. As it is described in Reader 5, it is the 'grey areas' that we need to investigate and take into consideration when working on our Professional Inquiry, and these are the ethics that influence our lives, culture, media and eventually our future.

To begin with there are three basic Groups when looking at ethics.

Personal Ethics
Professional Ethics
Organisational Ethics
Society: Social Good!!

   Personal Ethics should involve what by own morals an values are. As an adult and employee I have the responsibility to take care of my own decisions. By raising certain issues, I can identify what I believe is 'good', for myself an the others around me. A big part of Personal ethical decision would have to do with the upbringing of the individual. Things like religion, family influence, education and conscience play a big part what your beliefs are as an independent adult. 
-good presentation
-good work ethic
-respect to my collegue/tutors/studio rules etc.

  Professional Ethics would include the codes of conduct of a workplace, a Union, and the Research/Inquiry Ethics of Middlesex University.
A booklet of rules for all employees and personnel was handed to us on the very first day:

'All personnel shall collaborate in a collegial spirit, and in their relations with the media and the public display the needed discretion'.

This was a rule present in my previous company. During a time of crisis, it is crucial to not compromise the name of the company, for their own reputation, but for your own also. 

Professional Ethics 'govern our actions and guide the decisions we take in the things we do'(Reader 5)

  Organisational Ethics - how we do things around here?
-work Contract
-according to organization/environment (Culture)

This is where the issue of Ethics -or Ethos- varies among every dance company/ country you work in. 

Whereas, in Russia for example, the ballet training could be considered somewhat extreme harsh to the western countries- yet very traditional to their roots, In Western Europe a greater attention is given to Health and Safety and Precautions to the dancer's future, as well as more contemporary training. One can argue which is best, however, both sides could be supported. It is where, ethics will play a big role to each individual when giving their opinions. 

I can relate this to McIntyre (1967), who states that their are no universal norms. 

'What is good for one society or time may not be the same in another'

In such case, during my research, considering the context/background of interviewer or history of Company I am researching about would be a good idea.

According to Hobbes (1651) purpose of ethics are the result of 'social harmony and good. 'In order to achieve peaceful, co-operative social order we need to adhere to a set of moral rules'


With the topic of dance evolution in mind, I started questioning myself of what my beliefs the future of dance. Taking example from Reader 5, Case Study 1, which questions where the responsibility of a big issue like this lies, and how Personal, Professional and Organisational Ethics can affect each other, I have been asking myself: 
-How responsible are the performers for the progression in classical dance entering a modern era, and how much is it an external influence? 
-Taking into consideration a company that is transitioning from ballet to a more contemporary base company, if the classical dancers spoke against this, would it be considered 'wrong'? What conflicts/tensions would it cause? 
-Can certain rules be changed for the happiness of a company?

With the above question, what we are doing is taking into account the majority of people for the benefit of the maximum 'good'. This theory is called CONSEQUENTIALISM and was considered a moral obligation by Jeremy Batham and JS Mill. What we call the 'Greatest good for the greatest number'. In my eyes this related a lot to democracy.  

This theory contrasts thoroughly the idea of DEONTOLOGY, which is an 'ethical action based o duty' . This theory goes by the books, seeing from the way Kant describes it in his book Critique of Pure Reason (2007) . 

Another Approach to moral dilemmas is by using VIRTUE ETHICS, which takes into account moral behaviour and where character is as important as the action. 

 I would like to take the word RISK as an example... 

"Dancers at Berlin's Staatsballett are challenging the appointment of choreographer Sasha Waltz as one of the company's new directors, rejecting the appointment as "insulting" and politically-tinged."

A huge scandal had exploded in September 2016 - dancers signing petitions against this event of having, even though one of the greatest contemporary /dance theatre choreographers worldwide, Sasha Waltz** (Bio in link below-references), run one of the world greatest Ballet Company. Articles mentioning she is 'unsuitable' for their role. Not questioning her talent, the appointment of a contemporary practioneer running a traditionally classical company would naturally mean change, just like the Royal Ballet of Flanders. Whereas many are frowning upon this governmet decision, others are expressing that this a step into the future of dance. 

Many are arguing the RISK that this. Their are two sides of this RISK. But there is a grey area also which brings uncertainty to this issue.  But it will be interesting to see how ethics will play their part for the future of Berlin State Ballet. 

Will the rules be followed as they are? (DEONTOLOGY)
Will the majority (dancers/staff/audience) make change? (CONSEQUENTIALISM)
Will Sasha's actions and plans for the future of the company will be taken into consideration? (VIRTUAL ETHICS)

Afbeeldingsresultaat voor berlin ballet petition

The events at StaatsBerlin and my current working company (Royal Ballet of Flanders) have strongly influenced my Profesional Inquiry. 

Since the contemporary movement is growing, are we perhaps lookinging into a telescope of the future of ballet

Reasearch Ethics

In order to find out more information on the importance of ethics in the company, and the value of a dancer's voice in political matters, I have kindly asked permission from the president of Equity Union, who happens to be a respectful co-worker of mine at Royal Ballet of Flanders, and organised a meeting after work hours, which will hopefully inspire the progress of my dissertation in my 3rd Module eventually. 

Things I need to ensure are:
-the manner in which I will be interviewing 
-the security of the data collected
-the Accuracy of information 
-the beneficial factor > how will this interview help me and perhaps him, as well as the rest of the company. 

It has been a challenging topic to expand on. Ethics is usually something i let my consience run, however I feel like I have learnt a lot a can't wait to fish out more information for my research! 


Reader 5 (2016/2017)

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