Wednesday, 29 March 2017

Module 3 - Stage 2 - part A (Literature review) - What makes an Innovator?

What makes an Innovator?

Looking back in my Professional Inquiry in Module 2, after some time off work, I have been able to reflect and she clearly what this research means to me. 

Now at stage 2. :  A ) Literature Review    
                           B ) Gaining Permission to Carry out Inquiry  (next blog)
                           C ) Activities   (next blog)

----->>>  A ) Literature Review

                   ----->> Articles  (News in dance/ cuture/ politics and history)
                   ----->> Performance Reviews (ie: Dance Europe / Independent )
                   ----->> Documentaries (on Dance Practitioners and other areas of interest that can assist the development of my writing and presentation skills for carrying out my Personal Inquiry)
                   ----->> Books (Choreographer Bios, Art History)

The ways to treat literature are truly endless, and could easily carry me away from my topic.When reflecting back on M2, I decided there is just too much space to investigate and my topic is still to vast in order to determine a solid result, or argument in my case. Therefore,I began to draw diagram as to what is important to me concerning my research. What is really the thing I would like to focus on in order to achieve my GOAL

So as to plan the operation of my 3rd Module , I have decided to share the purposes of each task. 
What I mean by this is give every piece of my research a different intention.

I began, as I usually do, by asking questions. It first started with.... HOW DO I DO THIS?!?!?!
Eventually it narrowed down to asking myself questions like:
         1 - What is it I need too find though my literature?
         2 - Why is this important to my studies?
         3 - Where do I find it?
         4 - How do I utilize the information in order to serve my research? 

Let us answer these:
         1 - Through Literature I hope to find what has made the great innovators of Dance Innovative. This is where my true passion lies as a curious dancer and an aspiring choreographer. 
      I then break it down as follows:

>>>What tools have they used? How did they create their own 'signature' as choreographers? 
                             Is it the story behind their piece?
                             An ideology?
                             A choreographic step?
                             Their passion?
                             A controversy?
>>>How has their 'signature' encouraged progress/breakthrough and influenced other artists to develop their craft? 

         2 - This is important to my studies as it will give me an understanding as to what has caused the big leaps in the development in dance. This will also help me relate it to the current choreographers who are pushing the boundaries changing the stereotype and form of dance that we have seen throughout the many past years. 

It was not so long ago when Nijinsky made a breakthrough with his Rite of Spring to then eccentric and controversial score of Stravinsky. While the piece was utterly disliked by many back in 1913, and only appreciated by the radical visionaries of the time, it is now considered a masterpiece and has been recreated by some of the most famous names including Maurice's Bejart and the ever so praised Pina Bausch, who's choreography has only very recently been performed in the UK for the very first time indeed receiveing sensational reviews. (example below)

           3 - The information can be found through the University Online Library, as well as books, biographies, documentaries. My interest is usually enlightened if I am familiar with a piece of choreography, because then I find that I can relate to it. However, there is so much that I still don't know and I wish to investigate through my research! 
         4 - The information I receive through my Literature will not be enough. However, in combination to speaking with my SIGs, tutors, peers, and through the data I collect from the Interviews I will be taking, I can learn much more.     

In the next blog I will follow up on my plan and intentions in carrying out my Professional Inquiry - B) Gaining Permission to Carry out Inquiry - I will be taking about the process I have taken and I hope to soon start taking action and assemble some results!


  1. Hi Taz, after reading your post, I realized that your research topic is somewhat similar to mine. I'm looking into Choreographic Process (How choreographers create work, what inspires them to start creating...). Maybe we could have a Skype chat at some point?? Pls let me know.

    1. Hi Kristina! That would be amazing :D would really like to share our ideas together! I am very aware I am quite behind with taking action in completing my module, so this will be very motivating for me, thank you! I am free every afternoon from 2pm (english time). What day is best for you.. was thinking friday?

    2. Hey. I'm so sorry I just read your reply. I'm afraid I can't do today but could try sometime during Sunday or Monday.

    3. no worries at all. we could arrange from monday perhaps :).. sunday i will be starting my Artifact..

    4. Monday at 2pm then? Or would u like a little later? My Skype name should be on the latest sharing list that Paula sent out. Look forward to talking to you!!

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